A new family member has been born!

Well it finally happened!! Im an actual Harley owner…. Well I have owned a Harley for the entire time Ive been here in Crestone but it shad various issues with staying on the road. Now I have a proper running, “newer than my truck” type motorcycle. Within the first 30 minutes of riding this oneContinue reading “A new family member has been born!”

Divination ~ Cartomancy and Astragalomancy

There are thirteen cards in each of the four suits, which represent the 13 lunar months in a year.Fifty-two cards correspond to fifty-two weeks in a year. Diamonds Diamonds~Correspond to the element of earth, and the Root Chakra (Muladhara).~ Signify career, and money issues.Earth is the element of stability, groundedness, fertility, materiality, potential, and stillness.Continue reading “Divination ~ Cartomancy and Astragalomancy”